For the first time ever, we will be deciding who the best official Danish Latte Art Champion is at our annual DCFest at Åben Brewery in Kødbyen on the 1st of June.
Sign up for a unique chance to represent Denmark at the World of Coffee in Copenhagen at the end of June 2024!
We'll also be hosting the first-ever Danish Comandante Championship, with great fun and great prizes. Spectators have free entry
Event Details
Date: June 1, 2024
Location: Åben Brewery, Kødbyen, Denmark (Slagtehusgade 15, 1715 København)
Time: 13:00 - 02:00
Competitor sign up link:
Expected timeline
Comandante Championship setup: 13:00-14:00
Comandante Championship: 14:00-18:00
Danish Latte Art Championship: 18:00 - 22:00
Danish Latte Art Championship Rules
Danish Latte Art: (2024 ruleset) - 1 round only (finals or preliminary depending on number of contestants)
Cup: Club House MANIKO series
Espressomachine: Thermoplan Black&White4 CTS (official World Latte Art Championship espressomachine)
Milk: TBA
Danish Compandante Championship Rules
Competition summery
Three rounds: first, semi-final and final round/s.
Three sensory judges.
One drink is served pr. round
Eight (8) minutes to prepareand serve your beverage - No presentation.
Only the provided coffee (Yellow Bird Coffee) and water can be used
Produce as many beverages as you like during the competition time. Only the beverage served to the judges will be evaluated.
Competitors will compete in threes. Judges select the best beverage by pointing a finger. The competitor with the best cup of coffee, chosen by sensory judges, will go to the next round.
In the first round, competitors will use a pour-over brewing method (Hario V60). Brewing device is chosen by the organisers and is the only availeble brewing device.
In the semi-final, competitors will use a full-immersion brewing method (Aeropress).
In the final round, the brewing method is chosen by coin flip
Standards and definitions
Whole Bean Coffee
Provided coffee does not have any additives, flavourings, colourings, perfumes, aromatic substances, powders, etc. of any kind added at any point between the time the coffee is picked to when it is extracted into the beverage.
The provided coffee will be a medium to medium-light roasted speciality grade coffee, roasted without major roasting defects, such as baked, or burnt, no more than twenty (20) days prior to the competition date.
Coffee for the competition will be roasted in one batch, packed and sealed, and provided to competitors on the day of the competition at the earliest.
The coffee information will not be revealed until the competition concludes.
The Beverage
The beverage must be an extraction from particles from whole bean coffee, using water as the solvent. No other additives of any kind will be allowed, aside from those contained within the relevant definitions of whole bean coffee, brew water, brewing devices, and service vessel.
Competitors must utilise the water provided by the competition for both rounds.
The host will provide one electric kettle per brewing station, where the temperature can be set by competitors.
Comandante and the host will provide the grinder: a minimum of 1 Comandante C40 MK4 Nitro Blade Hand Grinder per brewing station will be available. (All competitors are allowed to use their own Comandante grinder if they wish. Red Clix is also permitted).
Within the competition area and during the competitors’ competition time, competitors must not use any grinder other than the provided sponsored grinder.
Brewing device
A brewing device is any item that a competitor uses during, and is involved in, the beverage extraction.
Throughout the different rounds of the competition, competitors must use a variety of brewing devices or methods, including pour-over (Hario v60) and immersion brewing (AeroPress).
All brewing devices will be provided by the host and should be the same for all competition brewing stations.
Brewing devices must not add any substances to the beverage whatsoever.
Service vessel:
A service vessel is a cup, server, or another vessel in which the competitor serves the coffee beverage to the judges.
The coffee beverage must be served in one complete portion of a minimum of 150ml for judges.The hosts will provide a vessel with a volume between 150 to 250 ml.
Other mandatory equitment:
A Hario temp adjustable kettle will be provided
A Hario Scale will be provided
In the event of a tie/split decision, the appointed head judge decides the winning beverage.
